The advantages of Circumcision Clinic are usually touted as a reason for the reduced prevalence of bacterial vaginosis and sexually transmitted diseases in males. However, these very same proponents of male circumcision might not bear in mind that their stance is based on false assumptions. The truth is that while male circumcision decreases the risk of getting these two STDs, the disadvantages of male circumcision go far beyond the temporary reduction in chances of acquisition. While male circumcision can indeed provide certain short term benefits to men and their female partners, its effects wane when the period of use is finished.
Circumcision Gains For Guys

One of the principal problems with the claims of the advocates of male circumcision is they focus only on the benefits and ignore the disadvantages. One of the key points of contention is the distinction between pre-circumcision sexual contact and post-circumcision contact. Many people assume that the action of having sex with a partner after the age of puberty is equal to having unprotected sex and thus reducing the dangers of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases. This premise is false. In reality, there is a strong connection between the later time spent having a spouse and the increased chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
Circumcision Gains For Guys
As pointed out by Dr. William Fitzgerald, a professor in the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine, the practice of male circumcision has its own set of health issues. Most importantly, Dr. Bidair relates the story of a young man who had been Brisbane Circumcision Clinic as a kid however designed persistent infections as a kid and teenager. After discovering this truth, he returned to his doctor asking for a rectal examination that, he had been told, must be carried out immediately so as to avoid additional complications. It was subsequently discovered that the young man, whose physician had not diagnosed or treated his condition, had contracted genital warts. The young man later died of genital warts.
Circumcision Gains For Guys
There is also a real possibility that men may experience complications during and following the procedure for example: urinary tract infections, skin disorders, bleeding, allergic reactions to anesthesia and maybe even death. These complications may differ from adult male circumcision to that of a girl who experiences female genital surgery. Even though most of these complications are somewhat rarer in adult men than those experienced by women, they nevertheless have to be given serious concern especially when dealing with female spouses.
While complications such as infections may occur in adult male circumcision, there is also a higher risk when dealing with female spouses who have already had prepubescent ailments. These include herpes, genital warts, bacterial vaginosis, cervicitis and even HIV. The reason why male spouses should be analyzed for potential infections before getting a circumcision is simple – if a girl encounters genital warts while she’s pregnant, she might pass it on to her infant during delivery and that could prove fatal.
- In addition to the aforementioned complications, another common concern which the majority of people point out concerning the topic of male circumcision is that the reduced risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections. The lower risk of becoming sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhoea or Chlamydia is a result of the diminished variety of organisms that are harbored in the male genital tract. Before, many people believed that foreskin reduced the possibility of having sexually transmitted diseases, but this belief was not well-spread or comprehended. Accordingly, so as to remove this misconception, the World Health Organization (WHO) changed the definition of”colon cancer” in 2021. According to this new definition, anyone who has had one sex partner during the course of his sexual lifestyle and who is experiencing any sort of genital disease is thought of as being at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
Along with reducing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, male circumcision can also lower the chances of acquiring cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is associated with more women than men. The explanations for this aren’t yet clear. However, experts believe that the reduced number of pathogens harbored from the penis may lead to a substantial drop in the amount of cases related to cancer in women. Thus, this is another reason why female partners must be encouraged to undergo this procedure.
Another benefit of male circumcision is the reduction of the incidence of problems relating to the formation of strange scars. Scarring is often the most common problem resulting from the operation. But, aftercare is highly recommended and this is particularly critical for adults. The standard post operative care includes disinfection, removal of any allergies, removal of any foreign bodies like scarves and jewelry and moisturizing. With appropriate aftercare, mature males can be liberated from a wide range of health complications and concerns. All these are clearly achievable through mature male circumcision.
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