What You Need to Know About Circumcision Care

Circumcision is a surgical procedure to remove the foreskin of a male baby or young adult. It’s typically performed by either a pediatrician, obstetrician, or family doctor.

It’s generally a safe and straightforward procedure that rarely leads to complications. Furthermore, there are benefits for both mother and father when having this procedure done.


Before having a Circumcision Melbourne, there are a few steps you should take. First and foremost, contact your surgeon to schedule an appointment and discuss the operation in detail.

Prior to your surgery, it is essential that you maintain a clean body and mind. Don’t smoke and abstain from alcohol consumption.

After your surgery, it is important to keep your penis clean and moisturized with warm, soapy water. There’s no need for cotton swabs or other special bath products; simply ensure you wash it regularly.

As skin cells shed and new ones sprout, lumps called smegma can appear on the surface of the penis.

At the time of your operation, you may be given a local anesthetic or cream to reduce pain. The procedure typically takes 10 minutes and the wound should heal within 7 to 10 days.


Circumcision is an operation that removes the foreskin of a child’s penis. This procedure is typically done by a pediatric urologist with special training and skills in this area.

In most cases, surgery heals without any issues or risks. However, there are a few things to watch out for after the procedure.

Maintain the cleaned and dried area around the operated area. This includes changing your child’s diaper more often and using a gauze wrap that won’t stick to his clothes or the diaper.

Scott suggests applying petroleum jelly on the head of your penis to aid in healing. This helps keep the bandage from sticking to your skin, and allows for faster penetration of medication.

Your son should wait around seven days for his penis to fully heal. At that point, new skin cells called smegma will begin developing at the tip of his foreskin; this is an expected part of healing, according to Dr. Duong.


Circumcised penis are like any other wound in that they take time to heal. Initially, the area may appear red and swollen for several days following surgery; however, this is completely normal and expected.

Swelling is most often observed around the circumcision line and head of penis after surgery. A yellowish-whitish film may form on this area in the initial days after surgery, but this is not pus and should go away within a week.

Maintaining your son’s circumcised penis requires regular washing in order to avoid oil accumulation, bacteria and dead skin cells that could lead to smegma or infections like balanitis. Washing the penis daily helps keep it healthy and free of dirt particles.

It is essential to avoid giving your baby acetaminophen (Tylenol) or other pain medications during the healing process. These can impede natural healing processes and be hazardous if not given at the right time.


Circumcision is an integral part of many Jewish and Muslim religions, so it’s essential to observe proper aftercare. This includes keeping your son’s penis clean as well as abstaining from urinating or sucking on the circumcised area.

After your baby’s procedure, their penis may sting or feel sore. This is normal and usually goes away within a couple of days.

Your doctor can offer acetaminophen to help ease the pain. They may also suggest swaddling your baby and giving them a pacifier.

It is common for your son to experience less appetite and sleep than usual during the first few days after his circumcision. This is due to the shock of having been cut. Usually, your child will return to his regular schedule after two cycles of feeding and sleeping.

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